
Camp Rusty

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

From Blackwater Training Center North Carolina:

I know that it has been several days since I posted, but I wanted to make sure I passed all testing and didn’t get sent home. Well, I passed everything and will be graduating on Friday. My good friend Moose, who I spent two years with in Iraq, is also here. I believe we are in the top three of the oldest out of a class of twenty five. I won’t lie; I thought I was going to die during the run. Someone said they heard a pop when I ran by indicating I broke the sound barrier. I told them it wasn’t the sound barrier, it was my lungs. I STILL hurt from that run and to top it off, the hotel had no hot tub available. I have got to let my fifty three year old body have a serious talk with my eighteen year old mind. Anyhow, I will fly home Saturday and spend two more week there, then return to North Carolina to await deployment to Afghanistan. Peace.


  1. How nice of you to come home for Emily's Birthday and to see her in Beauty and the Beast! She will be so happy if you are able to be there.. and who knows, you might even get to see Greg Scheevel while you're home. He'll be here til Sunday morning. Ha Ha. Be safe!
